Thursday, September 17, 2009

We Should Not Be Surprised

We live daily with wholesale abuse of human life that devalues America and Americans. This loss of value and perspective has weakened us and made us less free.—Starr Parker

Should we really be surprised? A lab technician murders a promising young doctoral candidate reportedly because the tech did not like how the researchers treated the lab rats! Regardless of the reason, clearly it is one more indication of how this generation devalues human life. Why should we be surprised?

For the last 50 or so years the messages being taught to the children of this country have been that, trees and animals are of more value than humans, unwanted or imperfect babies are disposable, it is not cost effective to take care of the invalid or the elderly and, perhaps the principle that over arches all, the world is dangerously over populated.

With this wide-spread indoctrination, why are we surprised that at some point in his decision making, a lab technician decided that it was okay to brutally strangle and unceremoniously stuff the body of a bright young woman into a wall…under the wisdom of the world, it just makes good sense. Tragic!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Purge the Toxic

It is not our right to turn away from the ugliness of the world, but to examine it carefully and then live well in spite of it. Kjestine Gregory Evans

YES, I am quoting myself, but it is my blog after all and authorship has its privileges. Look I understand that it is sanity saving to bury one’s head in the sand or a book or…whatever stops us from seeing unpleasantness in the world, but doing those sanity-saving acts is a short term fix in a world that really needs reality.

Well here is my dose of reality…Teddy Roosevelt was not a saint. I know, but I liked him, and certainly he was not always wrong, but he was instrumental in dangerously expanding the office of the US President as well as mainstreaming the Progressive Movement. If you don’t know what the Progressive Movement is, well it is the precursor to fascism, communism and eugenics. Progressivism has given birth to some of the greatest social engineering evils ever executed in the history of the world.

Here is my concern: progressive ideas are so much a part of thought process that it is almost as impossible to remove them from our world view as it is impossible to remove them from our art work and social conscience. Frightening!

I am not saying that there are not any positive ideals in Progressivism; I am only saying that it is dangerous to buy into the whole bundle. Here is one concerning path: health care reform->government option->health care rationing->assisted suicide->euthanasia->eugenics. You think that is a stretch, yet it already happened in fascist Germany. Sure we look at the final solution, but we rarely examine how they got there; or: taxing the rich->wealth redistribution->nationalization of industry->communism, (need an example then pick one of many). Evil is never accomplished in on big step, but rather many baby steps until it is too late to fix the problem bloodlessly. Now is the time to learn the lessons from history so that we are not doomed to repeat them.

So my challenge to all of us is to look at our deeply held beliefs and see if those beliefs have their roots in progressivism. And if those deeply held progressive beliefs are not innocuous then purge them and regain the high ground. We cannot live well if our view is tainted by toxic ideologies.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vigilant Babysitting

When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail.
--Pearl S. Buck

Vigilance… are you kidding me! With the Obama administration it is more like babysitting!
I don’t think that this needs to be pointed out, but that has never stopped me before, does anyone really think that the Obama’s public school speech would have been so benign if the vigilant hadn’t been so vigilant.

I love the pro Obama-ites who, the day after the speech stated, “See, you had nothing to worry about.” That’s right, because the vigilant made sure that the speech was what it should be, an admonition to stay in school and not what it would have been, socialist indoctrination.

Now we have last night’s snake oil pitch for the republic-killing health care plan. Yoy! A gaggle of fifties rocker used less grease to maintain their ducktail dos. One half-truth after another and for those not adept in math, let me remind you that two half truths do not make a whole. No matter how they package it, health care is the province of society not government. I refer you to Common Sense by Thomas Paine if you don't believe me.

Thank goodness for the vigilant. We haven’t even had a year’s worth of this administration and the constant vigilance has already been exhausting due to the “transparency” of this administration. Sifting through bogus bills, vetting the duplicitous Tsars, or filtering the double speak...yep, babysitting alright. And like most babysitting gigs, we need to be most vigilant when all is quiet.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Pay Now and Pay Later

If one is estranged from oneself, then one is estranged from others too. If one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others.—Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Back by popular demand, okay demand of one, I am getting back to my blog. To those, (the one) who missed it, well I have been a bit busy. A sick llama, a wedding and a broken toe have kept me sufficiently sidelined. I may be able to blame the sick llama and the broken toe on the liberal left, but I am sure the wedding was all my daughter’s fault.

Just a side note. My broken toe was handled efficiently and effectively by the good folks at Blair Memorial Hospital in Nebraska. No lines, no waiting and good need for medical reform here!

Well, one of my readers posed the following question to me. If the United States is in the red, why do we continue to send money to foreign countries? Well the quick and dirty answer is “I don’t know!”

It does seem rather desperate policy to me. We throw money at other countries in order to get them to like us…and it never works. NEVER. Sure, for a while, they may toe the mark to our imposed mores, but it never lasts and they always end up resenting us. ALWAYS. In some circumstances, they even end up using the funds we gave them to start wars with us. (Really? you thought I would end that sentence with WAR, too kitchy, nice parallelism though.)

I am all for supporting burgeoning Republics, but giving them money, and then trying to tell them how to run their countries has never fostered good will nor strong Republics.

I am not saying that there is never a time to give financial support to other countries, but when we ourselves are in serious debt, it is not at all prudent to give financial support to other countries. But if we are determined to continue this failed policy, we should, at the very least, cut out the middleman and just have China send the funds directly to them.