Friday, September 4, 2009

Pay Now and Pay Later

If one is estranged from oneself, then one is estranged from others too. If one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others.—Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Back by popular demand, okay demand of one, I am getting back to my blog. To those, (the one) who missed it, well I have been a bit busy. A sick llama, a wedding and a broken toe have kept me sufficiently sidelined. I may be able to blame the sick llama and the broken toe on the liberal left, but I am sure the wedding was all my daughter’s fault.

Just a side note. My broken toe was handled efficiently and effectively by the good folks at Blair Memorial Hospital in Nebraska. No lines, no waiting and good need for medical reform here!

Well, one of my readers posed the following question to me. If the United States is in the red, why do we continue to send money to foreign countries? Well the quick and dirty answer is “I don’t know!”

It does seem rather desperate policy to me. We throw money at other countries in order to get them to like us…and it never works. NEVER. Sure, for a while, they may toe the mark to our imposed mores, but it never lasts and they always end up resenting us. ALWAYS. In some circumstances, they even end up using the funds we gave them to start wars with us. (Really? you thought I would end that sentence with WAR, too kitchy, nice parallelism though.)

I am all for supporting burgeoning Republics, but giving them money, and then trying to tell them how to run their countries has never fostered good will nor strong Republics.

I am not saying that there is never a time to give financial support to other countries, but when we ourselves are in serious debt, it is not at all prudent to give financial support to other countries. But if we are determined to continue this failed policy, we should, at the very least, cut out the middleman and just have China send the funds directly to them.

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