Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Measure Honor

Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught. --J.C. Watts

I know that the old SPEW has been rather spew-less of late, but that’s because I am a reactionary blogger and I just haven’t felt the need to react. Not that we should let our guard down, but until the liberal left makes an overt move, it is fruitless to comment. I have been asked to comment on the “don’t ask don’t tell” controversy, but I don’t really feel qualified since I am not a member of the military. However, since I am rarely any more qualified on other subjects, I will say this: I have no problem with any honorable person serving in the military regardless of gender, religion, race or sexual orientation. The word honorable is the key.

Past history and recent past history prove that the military is typically incapable of determining who is honorable and who is not, hence the Fort Hood shooting among other tragedies. So it is more important that the military carefully scrutinize every recruit without concern for political correctness in order to determine rather or not the candidate is honorable. And if the candidate is not honorable, the military must be steadfast in denying the candidate access to a military career regardless of gender, religion, race or sexual orientation.

Also a short-ish comment on the Westminster Kennel Club Show. Yea for the Scottish terrier! (I am completely biased since we used to have one named Jocko Bon Barberry. What interesting little souls they are.) But ,even more YEAs to the broadcasters of the dog show. It was almost impossible to tell that protesters attempted to disrupt the show because neither the cameras nor the commentators brought them the attention they so crave. Their protests are petty, inane and baseless and they deserve no forum. Good for USA Network for not giving them one.