Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sanctity Of Life

We as a nation and world have closed the door on the sanctity of life in the favor of the sanctity of lifestyle.   No living human being has the right to intrude on our self-serving right to live an unencumbered life.

I have seen too much of the ease with which we dispose of babies unborn and now are seeking to extend that service to living and viable children.  The so-called and incredibly evil "post-birth abortion."  (Really, this has been going on in hospitals for years.  See the Indiana case of baby X.)

I have seen too much of the elderly and the chronically ill being helped to pass on.  Reading "Stealth Euthenasia: Health Care Tyranny in America" has been both eye opening and disturbing.

I have heard too much about so-called "death with dignity" and patients rights to end of life.

What do all these things have in common: convenience, convenience, convenience.

It is very inconvenient to care for the weakest among us.  It costs us time, money and often, rest, but it is the hallmark of a truly compassionate people.  It is the height, breadth and depth of our humanity.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just Say NO to Hypocrisy

The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy.--William Hazlitt

Listen  up sectarians and atheists and whoever.  You can't have it both ways.  You can't have the holiday without the religion.  NO EASTER THEN NO BUNNY!

That's right I am putting my foot down.  Certainly, Easter is much more than the bunny, just like Christmas is much more than Santa and Thanksgiving is much more than the turkey, but to try to retain all the frills and furbelows of a holiday, so that you and your children can have all the fun without any of the meaning, is hypocrisy and I for one am saying "not anymore."

To be honest, if you had all kept your mouths shut, I wouldn't have said anything about it.  But you just had to demand that anything you determined was religious had to be removed from all holidays.  Holiday, you should notice has HOLY in the word. 

So for you, from now on: No Easter than no bunny, no egg hunts and no candy.  In fact, I think that people who are attempting to buy Easter candy should be carded to make sure that they are card carrying Christians who love Easter, otherwise they can just hit the regular candy aisle.  Leave the Cadbury Eggs and the Chocolate Rabbits to those who hold the Holiness and celebration of Easter dear.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Regaining Separation of Powers is Really Quite Simple

To the State governments are reserved all legislation and administration in affairs which concern their own citizens only, and to the federal government is given whatever concerns foreigners or the citizens of other States; these functions alone being made federal. The one is the domestic, the other the foreign branch of the same government; neither having control over the other...--Thomas Jefferson

This is probably going to turn into a very long blog, but I hope it gets read anyway.  

First a course correction.  Many of us learned and are still taught that separation if powers is what keeps the different branches of the government in check.  I was taught this all they way through college.  This is an error. Separation of powers is primarily concerning the division of power between the individual states and the federal government.   

This separation of powers or division of sovereignty between the federal and state governance is vital to the proper function of this Republic. Consider the following law dictionary definition of state sovereignty:

State sovereignty is defined as the "supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which an independent state is governed and from which all specific political powers are derived; the intentional independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign interference."

Such separate but equal sovereignty has been eroded over the last century as the Federal machinery has voraciously nibbled away at it.  As we, have allowed the Federal machinery nibble away at it.  Yep, this erosion is on each and every one of us.   AND we have the power to stop it in its tracks.

The Power of the Federal Government begins and ends with federal funding.   It is time that we the people just say no to the funds.   Likewise we need to elect officials that also say no to the funds.  We need to dismiss non-elected officials who take federal funding.  

We have allowed ourselves the luxury of accepting what appears to be help from the Feds, when in reality, the value of the money rarely outweighs the cost of administering the funds and never benefits state sovereignty.  

It's time to say an emphatic NO to all federal dollars and YES to true separation of powers.  For in this inspired concept does our true freedom reside.  It really is that simple.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Liberty Lost

While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.  Steven R. Covey

In November I voted for liberty. Liberty-- "freedom from arbitrary or despotic control." Despite what modern commentators would tell you, our forefathers did not fight for freedom they fought for liberty. Liberty is the foundation for true freedom.

In November liberty lost. Liberty was voted down by those who want supposed freedom. Not freedom from arbitrary or despotic control, but freedom from consequence.

They have chosen a course of action and now they fear the consequences that will follow. So this government promises them that they will "free" them from the bad consequences of their bad actions.

You chose not to get an education; no problem: unemployment checks. You chose improper money management; no problem: welfare. You chose not to work; no problem: food stamps. You chose promiscuity; no problem: no-cost abortion on-demand.

This is the illusion of freedom. Government may be able to delay the bad consequences, but they cannot save us from the consequences of our actions. In a short time we realize that instead of being free from our consequences, we have traded them for a different and unyielding master. We sold our vote, our soul and our liberty, for a place at the government trough.

In November I voted for liberty; 51% did not.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Remembering What Freedom Feels Like

They have joy in their works for a season, and by and by the end cometh--Jesus Christ

One of our biggest challenges over the next four years is remembering what freedom feels like.  Already, the Obama administration, under its imagined "mandate," has announced numerous and restrictive regulations.  Regulations which by their formulation, are the very essence of taxation without representation.

We need to learn what freedom looks like.  No one living today, unless they remember the pre-FDR days, really knows what freedom looks like.   While several U.S. Presidents increased the powers of the office, it was FDR who really created the nanny state, by packing the U.S. Supreme Court in order to pass his previously unconstitutional nanny-state programs and then shoved them down the throat of the American people.   FDR's propagandist public school collaborators taught and continue to teach that these programs resolved the Great Depression, when in fact these programs only created a depression within a depression.  It was WWII and the war effort that resolved the Great Depression.

We need to teach what freedom feels like and looks like to those within our sphere of influence.  Antipathy and complacency are the duel death knells of freedom.   The death of freedom is often compared to the frog in the pot,  but even a frog can be taught that cold water is a danger.   Principles of true freedom must be pressed into the minds of old and young and the very, very confused who recently voted for immorality, indolence, and servitude.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Third Party Voters, You Trashed Your Vote And Trashed the Country

Message to third party voters.   You didn't take a stand you made a whimper.   You may have cost Romney the election as well and if you consider that noble, well the you did not consider your children.  There is no such thing as the perfect candidate,  and I would agree that Romney was not the perfect candidate, but he was better than what was in the White House.  Romney may not have a quick fix, but he would have made considerable strides toward righting major wrongs.

The willfully ignorant voted Obama and the prideful self-righteous threw their votes away on third party candidate.

Do not mistake me, I am not against a third party, but wasting your vote is a quick fix for your conscience.   The real work starts now.  Now is the time to work for a third party that represents, we who want social and fiscal conservatism. We who want education for our children, not indoctrination.   We who prefer freedom to serfdom.  We who love and honor this country and its constitution. So roll up your sleeves and get to work now.

And guess what, even then not everyone will agree.  It won't be the perfect party and never have the perfect candidate, but then the guy you threw your vote away on wasn't' perfect either.  To get anything done politically we must compromise on our ideals.  No one is asking you to compromise on your principals.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pedicaris Alive or Raisuli Dead!

These were the words uttered by Teddy Roosevelt when American, Ion Pedicaris, was kidnapped by the Muslim brigand Raisuli, from his Tangier's home in 1904.  Teddy had no equivocation and Raisuli believed him.  Pedicaris was returned alive.  Teddy knew that it was his responsibility to protect American citizens and he took that responsibility seriously.

Regardless of the election on Tuesday, the American people need to know why the current president is not willing to protect our citizens even, for Pete's sake, an ambassador.  I mean, if an ambassador, an Obama appointee, is left to die, then how could a mere citizen expect protection.  Aren't we all just potential collateral damage for Obama's agenda? 

Consider instead a president who would have said, "Stevens alive or Muslim terrorists dead!"...well then the choice become simple and we know what we should be doing next.