"We've all gone crazy, mourning all day and mourning all night, falling over ourselves to get all the misery right..."--Andrew Lloyd Webber
I know that a few may misunderstand me, so don't. I am not against all the memorials, 9/11 or other. (Although the number of memorials seems to be growing exponentially). I am not against the services either, but as I watched the never ending stream of 9/11 programs on the 10th anniversary, my mind kept coming back to the words of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Evita "falling over ourselves to get all the misery right."
Mayor Bloomberg was the poster child for getting all the misery right. So intent was he to get it right, he excluded two of the most requisite groups from the stand: the clergy and the first responders. On 9/11 2001, it was the first responders who showed true Christ-like service as they willingly walked into the breach and risked their lives to save total strangers. While no one could have imagined that those great towers would completely collapse, the rescue workers knew that they were putting themselves at great risk just to enter a burning high rise.
Then, and second only to the first responders, were the clergy. It was the clergy who helped us find some modicum of comfort as people flocked to churches in record numbers.
But when you are trying to get "all the misery right" the clergy and the first responders represent comfort and hope so clearly do not fit the miserable agenda. After all, the bottom line for big bureaucratic politicians is to keep the electorate focused on the misery so that the big bureaucratic politician can be the salvation.
There are a lots of good reasons to have memorials and services. It is vitally important to remember the events, not just as politcal opportunities, but as events of sacrifice, of caring, of resolution, of hope, of comfort and yes, of mourning...mourning but not misery.
We need to remember also the lessons of that day: that we were vulnerable to attack, and the lessons of the days that followed: that we could stand together against a common enemey.
On 9/11 2001, nearly 3000 people perished in a heretofore unimaginable attack. On 9/11 2011, hope, comfort, and resolve may have followed them into the grave.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
All We Like Sheep
No one can take advantage of you without your permission--Ann Landers
I just got back from an Alaskan Cruise, no I am not just bragging, I learned something...rather I had something re-affirmed that I and most of us already know: THE TSA IS NEEDLESSLY INVASIVE AND SUBSTANTIALLY INEFFECTIVE.
I always love the TSA defenders who would now say, "Well we appreciate that the TSA makes us feel safer" and they are absolutely right. The TSA makes them feel safer, but they do not in fact make any of us safer. And really, isn't that what they are supposed to be doing, making us safe!?!
Okay, so what did I learn from my cruise that is pertinent to the TSA discussion, well cruise ship security has gotten it right. They are both effective and minimally invasive. Not once on my cruise did I get to absorb unhealthy rads from an insta-porn machine nor did I get a sexually degrading groping over.
How do the cruise lines achieve this magic combination of effective, minimally invasive security measures. Well they did their homework. When we check in (much like when we have to check in for a flight) we submit information that allows the cruise line to ascertain how much of a security risk we pose. This is good business for cruises. They want to keep us safe at the same time they respect our personal autonomy which is a basis right under the laws of this country.
Next, when we checked in, the cruise line snapped a picture of each passenger, linking it with their electronic key card so that each time security swipes your card, a current photo appears on the computer screen and they know if you match your photo. This happens each time you leave or return to the ship. Easy as that...swipey, swipey.
And finally they scan all bags and packages. They do not even require liquids in a clear quart bag, or to be removed from your bags. This process is secure, sensible and leaves the traveler with their personal dignity. Most importantly, it's completely adaptable by the TSA.
So why doesn't the TSA respect our rights and adopt both more effective and less humiliating security measures...well they don't have too. "All we like sheep" have allowed them to have their way with us. And it is time to stop.
It is time we held the TSA to an American standard. We need to expect them to do their homework, including profiling based on country of origin, terroristic associations and suspicious behavior.
It is time we insisted that frequent fliers, and any other flier who is willing to go through the process, be allowed prior clearances and with the cruise ship swipe card this is possible.
If the TSA does their homework and has photo verified swipe cards, airport security costs will be greatly reduced and security will be greatly enhanced. In this day of big budget government and possible terrorist activity, these measures offer us a win-win.
It is past time that we quit giving the TSA permission to take advantage of us simply because we need or want to fly.
I just got back from an Alaskan Cruise, no I am not just bragging, I learned something...rather I had something re-affirmed that I and most of us already know: THE TSA IS NEEDLESSLY INVASIVE AND SUBSTANTIALLY INEFFECTIVE.
I always love the TSA defenders who would now say, "Well we appreciate that the TSA makes us feel safer" and they are absolutely right. The TSA makes them feel safer, but they do not in fact make any of us safer. And really, isn't that what they are supposed to be doing, making us safe!?!
Okay, so what did I learn from my cruise that is pertinent to the TSA discussion, well cruise ship security has gotten it right. They are both effective and minimally invasive. Not once on my cruise did I get to absorb unhealthy rads from an insta-porn machine nor did I get a sexually degrading groping over.
How do the cruise lines achieve this magic combination of effective, minimally invasive security measures. Well they did their homework. When we check in (much like when we have to check in for a flight) we submit information that allows the cruise line to ascertain how much of a security risk we pose. This is good business for cruises. They want to keep us safe at the same time they respect our personal autonomy which is a basis right under the laws of this country.
Next, when we checked in, the cruise line snapped a picture of each passenger, linking it with their electronic key card so that each time security swipes your card, a current photo appears on the computer screen and they know if you match your photo. This happens each time you leave or return to the ship. Easy as that...swipey, swipey.
And finally they scan all bags and packages. They do not even require liquids in a clear quart bag, or to be removed from your bags. This process is secure, sensible and leaves the traveler with their personal dignity. Most importantly, it's completely adaptable by the TSA.
So why doesn't the TSA respect our rights and adopt both more effective and less humiliating security measures...well they don't have too. "All we like sheep" have allowed them to have their way with us. And it is time to stop.
It is time we held the TSA to an American standard. We need to expect them to do their homework, including profiling based on country of origin, terroristic associations and suspicious behavior.
It is time we insisted that frequent fliers, and any other flier who is willing to go through the process, be allowed prior clearances and with the cruise ship swipe card this is possible.
If the TSA does their homework and has photo verified swipe cards, airport security costs will be greatly reduced and security will be greatly enhanced. In this day of big budget government and possible terrorist activity, these measures offer us a win-win.
It is past time that we quit giving the TSA permission to take advantage of us simply because we need or want to fly.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The Theft of America's Heartland
The Soviet leaders reserve unto themselves the right to commit any crime, to lie, to cheat and that the only morality they recognise is what will further their cause.--Ronald Reagan
I am not a big fan of the conspiracy theory because it has no functional value in society. Conspiracy theories never find their way out of the theory stage and therefore never can be acted upon. However, conspiracy theories should never be confused with actual conspiracies.
Conspiracies are a fact. A fact that allows them to be prosecuted in a criminal court of law. The legal definition of conspiracy is: "A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law." Find the Law .com
So what has criminal conspiracy have to do with the flooding of the Missouri River Valley?
1. Agenda 21 (see links below) despises private property holding.
2. Executive order 86, while disingenuously touting the benefit of the rural life, also allows for the "altruistic" buy up of private lands.
3. More than one free-thinker is concerned that the flooding was intentional.
4. Every weather prognosticator in the U. S. warned that after the very wet 2010 summer and record snow fall of 2011, that their would be an extreme excess of water in the upper Missouri River basin. Plus, history has long established that the rains fall heavy in the spring. Why was the Army Corp of Engineers caught off guard? And why did they suddenly cancel their annual fish spawning mini-flood? Was it because they knew that they were going to create a maxi flood?
5. Letters for federal buy-outs have already gone out to many of the flooded land owners.
6. The Army Corp of Engineers (led by some smirky woman spokes person) has no problem being seen as incompetent as long as you don't see them as criminal.
7. Secretary of Agriculture Vilisak came charging in on his white horse to save the day and left with his tail between his legs telling the flooded out farmers that he could do nothing for them.
8. Finally, the ultra-liberal national press has shown no concern for loss of private property or livelihood, but seems overly concerned with the stability of the nuclear power plant (another liberal agenda item) and failed to report that the plant is in a maintenance outage and is a very small risk. (I live 5 miles as the crow flies, I am not concerned.)
In summation: The Missouri River Basin was flooded despite an elaborate system of flood protections and weather prognostication either by incompetence or design. Either way the federal government, so noted for making humankind dependant on its paternalism, is refusing to offer relief. The Federal Government along with its friends of the new world order are attempting to snatch up flooded river bottom for pennies on the dollar to expand federal land holdings and wildlife wetland refuges.
Bottom line, if proven, that flooding people's homes and livelihoods were done intentionally by action or failure to take action so that the federal government could maneuver a massive land grab, someone should be going to jail for criminal conspiracy. I would start with that smirky Army Corps of Engineers spokeswoman.
I am not a big fan of the conspiracy theory because it has no functional value in society. Conspiracy theories never find their way out of the theory stage and therefore never can be acted upon. However, conspiracy theories should never be confused with actual conspiracies.
Conspiracies are a fact. A fact that allows them to be prosecuted in a criminal court of law. The legal definition of conspiracy is: "A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law." Find the Law .com
So what has criminal conspiracy have to do with the flooding of the Missouri River Valley?
1. Agenda 21 (see links below) despises private property holding.
2. Executive order 86, while disingenuously touting the benefit of the rural life, also allows for the "altruistic" buy up of private lands.
3. More than one free-thinker is concerned that the flooding was intentional.
4. Every weather prognosticator in the U. S. warned that after the very wet 2010 summer and record snow fall of 2011, that their would be an extreme excess of water in the upper Missouri River basin. Plus, history has long established that the rains fall heavy in the spring. Why was the Army Corp of Engineers caught off guard? And why did they suddenly cancel their annual fish spawning mini-flood? Was it because they knew that they were going to create a maxi flood?
5. Letters for federal buy-outs have already gone out to many of the flooded land owners.
6. The Army Corp of Engineers (led by some smirky woman spokes person) has no problem being seen as incompetent as long as you don't see them as criminal.
7. Secretary of Agriculture Vilisak came charging in on his white horse to save the day and left with his tail between his legs telling the flooded out farmers that he could do nothing for them.
8. Finally, the ultra-liberal national press has shown no concern for loss of private property or livelihood, but seems overly concerned with the stability of the nuclear power plant (another liberal agenda item) and failed to report that the plant is in a maintenance outage and is a very small risk. (I live 5 miles as the crow flies, I am not concerned.)
In summation: The Missouri River Basin was flooded despite an elaborate system of flood protections and weather prognostication either by incompetence or design. Either way the federal government, so noted for making humankind dependant on its paternalism, is refusing to offer relief. The Federal Government along with its friends of the new world order are attempting to snatch up flooded river bottom for pennies on the dollar to expand federal land holdings and wildlife wetland refuges.
Bottom line, if proven, that flooding people's homes and livelihoods were done intentionally by action or failure to take action so that the federal government could maneuver a massive land grab, someone should be going to jail for criminal conspiracy. I would start with that smirky Army Corps of Engineers spokeswoman.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Loose Tongues are Worse than Wicked Hands--Jewish Proverb
There were no such thing as Palestinians... It was not as though there was a Palestinian people in Palestine considering itself as a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist.--Golda Meir
Okay, I admit that I have been a bit of a slacker with my blog, but let me say this in my defense. First, my toe healed. When my toe was broken, I could not get around well so I had much more time to write.
Second, there is sooooo much to comment on with the Obama administration that I am having trouble prioritizing.
Today Obama's loose tongue made prioritizing easy. "Mr. President, leave Israel alone!" (This should be said in a sort of primal scream/outrage type of voice.)
When I first heard mention of Obama's demanding that Israel's borders be put back to the pre-1967 position, I could barely believe what I was hearing. My first thought was that maybe Obama was in some way impaired, sort of a verbal DUI situation. Then I thought it was possible that Obama was entirely ignorant of the history of Israel (which made me hope that this was a verbal DUI instead because that would be more forgivable.)
In case historical ignorance is the problem, let me address this next portion to Mr. Loose Tongue himself.
Mr. President. In 1967 Israel fought a war and through the grace of God, Israel won. It was not a war of their making. It was not a war that they provoked (except by their existence.) It was not a war that they would have chosen to fight, but they met the enemy, who out numbered them roughly 3 to 1, and prevailed. Due to this conflict, they secured land that allowed them to better protect their country in subsequent attacks. (E.G. Yom Kippur War of 1973)
Since that time, officious intermeddlers (yes that is an insult, but it is in legalize so less painful), mostly from the United States, have pressured Israel to give back these defensive lands. To what end. Now the Gaza Strip is snakes den of Arab terrorists, and the Sinai Peninsula could once again be used to mount a substantial attack on Israel as Muslim extremist gain a strong hold in Egypt. And you Mr. Loose lips, would use wicked hands to give back those strategic lands to the malignant enemies of Israel. Say goodbye to your "Osama Poll Bump," Mr. President.
Next up, Mr. Obama will announce that he is giving the American Southwest back to Mexico...that's one way to deal with the illegal immigration problem.
Okay, I admit that I have been a bit of a slacker with my blog, but let me say this in my defense. First, my toe healed. When my toe was broken, I could not get around well so I had much more time to write.
Second, there is sooooo much to comment on with the Obama administration that I am having trouble prioritizing.
Today Obama's loose tongue made prioritizing easy. "Mr. President, leave Israel alone!" (This should be said in a sort of primal scream/outrage type of voice.)
When I first heard mention of Obama's demanding that Israel's borders be put back to the pre-1967 position, I could barely believe what I was hearing. My first thought was that maybe Obama was in some way impaired, sort of a verbal DUI situation. Then I thought it was possible that Obama was entirely ignorant of the history of Israel (which made me hope that this was a verbal DUI instead because that would be more forgivable.)
In case historical ignorance is the problem, let me address this next portion to Mr. Loose Tongue himself.
Mr. President. In 1967 Israel fought a war and through the grace of God, Israel won. It was not a war of their making. It was not a war that they provoked (except by their existence.) It was not a war that they would have chosen to fight, but they met the enemy, who out numbered them roughly 3 to 1, and prevailed. Due to this conflict, they secured land that allowed them to better protect their country in subsequent attacks. (E.G. Yom Kippur War of 1973)
Since that time, officious intermeddlers (yes that is an insult, but it is in legalize so less painful), mostly from the United States, have pressured Israel to give back these defensive lands. To what end. Now the Gaza Strip is snakes den of Arab terrorists, and the Sinai Peninsula could once again be used to mount a substantial attack on Israel as Muslim extremist gain a strong hold in Egypt. And you Mr. Loose lips, would use wicked hands to give back those strategic lands to the malignant enemies of Israel. Say goodbye to your "Osama Poll Bump," Mr. President.
Next up, Mr. Obama will announce that he is giving the American Southwest back to Mexico...that's one way to deal with the illegal immigration problem.
Monday, April 4, 2011
This Little Piggy Goes to School
The mind's first step to self-awareness must be through the body.--George Sheehan It used to be common sense that a healthy mind required a healthy body, but somewhere along the line educators have cast that much tested fact aside. I am not saying that childhood obesity lay only at the door of the public schools, no indeed, there is culpability enough to share, but my focus is on the culpability of the public schools. I am not impuning the schools for cutting fitness programs, because it is not the schools responsibilty to provide fitness opportunities to kids. No my complaint is that schools are completely filling up the time when kids should be outside playing or exercising. Look at the facts. Every public school system has consitently and regularly lengthened the school day and the school year. Most elementary schools have completely cut recess even for the youngest students. In addition to the time spent within the walls of the school, there has also been a steady increase in the amount of homework assigned per day. Most teachers believe that a student should get 10 minutes of homework per year in school. For instance if a child is in 6th grade they should get 60 minutes of homework. Okay, that might work well enough if a child is in a program with a single teacher, but is not such a reasonable formula in the higher grades with multiple teachers. Consider 10th grade. According to the formula, a 10th grader should have 100 minutes of homework each night. Now mulitply that by a minimum of 4 core-subject teachers = 400 minutes of homework each night. That's (well don't ask me I went to public school...just kidding. Fortunately, I learned math in college.) That's 6.67 hours of homework per night. Now include extra-curriculars, which are a necessity for any college-bound student, supper, and well you can forget family time. (See last blog) It's no wonder that the average high school student cannot get to bed before 12 AM, and it is certainly no wonder that we are seeing a steady climb in childhood obesity...by the way, obesity is considerably lower in home-schooled children where academic achievement is higher and where balance between mind and body is better maintained. If home-schoolers understand the balance, shouldn't we be able to expect professional educators to understand as well?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Plumping of Failed Institutions
Why put more money into an already failing institution?--Paraphrasing Michael Medved First, by way of disclosure, I am a product of public schooling. However, when I went to public school, common sense reigned and no one need tell teachers how to deal with profanity, drugs or bullying. For the most part teachers, because they had the morality of such issues clear in their minds, knew how to deal with such problems utilising "common sense" unclouded by moral relativism. Common sense, however, is dead. That leaves us with the current state of the public school. A state of abject failure. So how do we address that failed upon failed institution, well we plump it up with more money, and even worse, more control over our children's lives. Even though, the school day has gotten steadily longer with each new legislative year, schools continue to decline. Even though each school year has been lengthened with each new legislative year, schools decline. Even though the amount of homework has increased exponentially, student achievement declines. Wake up and smell the coffee! This is a trend that must be reversed, but the answer does not lie with the public school, it lies with the parents and the pubic schools need to get out of the way. Note: The more time kids spend in school the less time they spend with their parents. Duh! While the schools, disingenuously, decry having to parent children, they have in fact grabbed more parenting by law since the 1940's as educators convinced themselves and lawmakers that educators knew better than the parents what was best for the children. The steady decline of this society is proof of how well that has worked. The best thing that we can do for both society and public school is to retrench. We need to stop pouring additional money and time in plumping up a failed institution. We need support strong families by allowing and expecting parents to be the primary educators in children's lives with the public schools serving a supporting role. Next: Public Schools and Childhood Obesity
Friday, March 4, 2011
Redistribute the Wealth, its only FAIR
Money demands that you sell, not your weakness to men's stupidity, but your talent to their reason.--Ayn Rand
After a lifetime of resistance, I am finally caving to the left. I have seen the light and I am ready to embrace the idea of redistributing the wealth. Don’t be shocked. After listening to a recent diatribe by a caller to a conservative talk show, whose most persuasive argument was, “because, that’s why,” I decided that she was right. It is only fair, in the full 5th grade playground meaning of the word fair, to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those whose greatest exertions in life get them from the bedroom to the couch. Not only do I embrace this concept, but I have the perfect plan for implementation.
Step 1: Get up off the couch.
Step 2: Provide a service or product that people are willing to pay you for.
Step 3: Follow through with that service or product and collect your fair and equitable pay.
There you have it; wealth redistribution in three easy steps. I think I will call my plan CAPITALISM!
After a lifetime of resistance, I am finally caving to the left. I have seen the light and I am ready to embrace the idea of redistributing the wealth. Don’t be shocked. After listening to a recent diatribe by a caller to a conservative talk show, whose most persuasive argument was, “because, that’s why,” I decided that she was right. It is only fair, in the full 5th grade playground meaning of the word fair, to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those whose greatest exertions in life get them from the bedroom to the couch. Not only do I embrace this concept, but I have the perfect plan for implementation.
Step 1: Get up off the couch.
Step 2: Provide a service or product that people are willing to pay you for.
Step 3: Follow through with that service or product and collect your fair and equitable pay.
There you have it; wealth redistribution in three easy steps. I think I will call my plan CAPITALISM!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. --Rahm Emanuel
As if the shooting of 19 people is not tragic enough, we now see it compounded by the tragedy known as the liberal left.
Typical liberal opportunistic behavior. Nothing more liberal than capitalizing on another's pain, whether it's a sudden tragedy or multi-generational poverty. The liberal left know that they owe their very existance to the down trodden and they are not above creating them.
As if the shooting of 19 people is not tragic enough, we now see it compounded by the tragedy known as the liberal left.
Typical liberal opportunistic behavior. Nothing more liberal than capitalizing on another's pain, whether it's a sudden tragedy or multi-generational poverty. The liberal left know that they owe their very existance to the down trodden and they are not above creating them.
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