Friday, January 15, 2010

Reactive Anti-Terrorism

The impact of terrorism, not merely on individual nations, but on humanity as a whole, is intrinsically evil, necessarily evil and wholly evil.—Benjamin Netanyahu

Wow, I have got to do a better job at keeping up this blog because I am tired of getting scooped. Just the other day I was saying that the so-called “Underwear bomber” was actually quite successful. Sure he did not get his bomb to work, but while he did not succeed at bringing down a commercial airplane, he was successful at making the TSA add more onerous, expensive (and useless ) layers of security measures to air travel. Two days after I expressed this, Ted Koppel was broadcasting the same sentiments in an interview…as usual, I am a day late and a dollar short.

Oh well, I still am going to comment. I am not saying that security is not important in air travel. Unfortunately it is a necessary by-product of the times we live in, however, I am tired of so-called security that has no effect, evidently, on the terrorists’ activities. Instead punishes the honest traveler. Like me, the TSA is a day late and a dollar short; never pro-acting, just reacting. There is no real safety in that.

Consider the TSA measures prior to September 11, 2001, despite considerable safety measures in place, the 9/11 hijackers accomplished their fiendish goals. It was not the lack of safety measures, but the abject lack of common sense by those who were implementing those measures. I mean what did the TSA gate security think when they saw all those men carrying box cutters, “Wow they must be going to a grocery stock boy's convention!” Well we don’t have to conject, since we have been told what those TSA gate security people actually thought, “Uhhhh, box cutters aren’t on the list of things they can’t carry on a plane, so it must be okay…” Since 9/11 we are told that the TSA has hired a better class of person. Certainly they are given higher pay and prettier uniforms, but if that makes you feel safer then, you are easily assuaged.

My concerns are these. First, that we are never proactive in our approach to terrorist threats. We are always one step behind what the terrorists are planning. This makes us increasingly vulnerable to whatever these evil people design instead of being prepared for their devious actions. Second, that most of the security measure in place are only for show to comfort the masses with little value of protection. Do you really feel safer taking your shoes off at a TSA gate? Will you feel safer now taking your underwear off at a TSA gate? (Relax they have not said they will require this…yet) Then you are easily appeased. Third, that the most effective way to fight terrorists is actively pursue them. Our money should be used in effective intelligence gathering and in effectively taking the fight to the terrorists. Then we must be comitted to follow through with that fight until the fight is done, not just until the terrorist is temporarily injured.

It’s time to enact true measures of safety, and quit reacting to what a terrorist did yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Ted Koppel is actually a leprachan who sneaks into people's houses to scoop stories. I hear if you put beer on your pourch he gets distracted.

    One thing I've noticed about terrorists is that when we've had these big problems like, oh bombs, and flying planes into buildings, where are the terrorists getting on?!!? Its never ONCE been in America! Why are we not pointing the finger at the Europeans who are letting these people on the flights and then sending all over here? Why has this point not once been brought to light? Lets pray the this men never find the Idaho Falls airport
