Saturday, November 7, 2009

Short Takes

Brevity is the soul of wit—Shakespeare

I have tried to write a new spew for several days now and while some topics have legs and just seem to write themselves, the topic I have attempted to write about have hip waders on and quickly become bogged down, so I am going to attempt them as just small bites:

The Fort Hood shooter. How long will we continue to invite the wolves in among the flock? He praised Moslem homicide bombers, he criticized the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he used his position to try to convert others to Islam. Would the military have allowed any one of these behaviors to continue had he been of any other religion or ethnicity? Absolutely not!

The 2009 Election results. It’s a good start and a clear message to those who want to see it, but anger and frustration will not be enough fuel for a true ballot box revolution. Once the anger and frustration subside, so often does the will to fight. The only way true change can occur is if people have a clear understanding about what is right. Yes, there is a wrong and right. In order to make true lasting change, we need to stand for the founding principles of this country, not just be mad

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